Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Letter to Social Security Tribunal of Canada

Dear Ms. /Mrs. Brazeau:

Please acknowledge receipt of my Facsimile Submission to you on January 22, 2015 included herein and also online at: http://survivingacollision.blogspot.ca/2015/01/delay-deny-wait-for-them-to-die-at-sst.html

Your lack of response only serves to substantiate my previous claims about how my claim for CPP Disability Benefits has been handled to date.

As an appeal applicant I require you to answer my enquires involving my Canadian Pension Plan Disability Application.

As you know I have gone public about Service Canada, the Social Security Tribunal, and the Insurance industry puppets that prey on legitimate accident victims. The information I have compiled during my problematic 7 year battle to receive Canadian Pension Plan Disability Benefits shows how much of a dysfunctional product it is.

As a member of Fair Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform
http://www.fairassociation.ca/ I also require an answer to my questions as an advocate for the 15,000 people that are waiting at your Social Security Tribunal backlog.

These same people discarded by their auto insurance companies. These same people with legitimate injuries that were already backlogged At FSCO because of our justice system has run amok.

Then these same people were denied by Service Canada ending up at your door backlogged once again as part of a delay, deny, wait for them to die tactic directed at injured victims already victimized by Motor Vehicle crashes.

These backlogged consumers that were mandated to purchase security and piece of mind from Ontario's insurers through government legislation.

The same people who already have a severely diminished quality of life. They are injured, broke, medicated, terminally ill, often organ transplant recipients, they are stressed out, dying and suicidal.



- 14,500 Canadians waiting at Broken Social Security Tribunal: https://youtu.be/9WTzdq7E2K0


-Fair Association of Victims for Accident Insurance Reform http://fairassociation.ca
    1. -So You Think You're Covered! The Insurance Industry Rip-Off: http://deniedbenefitclaims.ca/

    2. -Government on hot seat about dying Alberta man denied CPP disability benefits: http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/arts-and-life/life/health/government-on-hot-seat-about-dying-alberta-man-denied-cpp-disability-benefits-294252741.html

-Administrative Justice and DISABILITY Claims – NOT A PRETTY PICTURE

-‘Amputate your leg’ Insurer’s expert recommendation to accident victim

-Social security tribunal backlog includes terminally ill, others deep in debt

-In the House of Commons on April 27th, 2015. Mr. Speaker, we are talking about people who are desperate. They have serious health issues; some of them are depressed and suicidal.

Service Canada mentions my blogs in their submission to the Social Security Tribunal, and uses my blogs as an excuse not to pay Canadian Pension Plan Disability Benefits.
See GD-12-10.

You can't have it both ways Ms Brazeau. Service Canada can't use my blog as an excuse not to pay CPP Disability Benefits and at the same time choose not to include my email appeal submissions regarding my blog? Clearly my blog has become relevant and should be included in the conversation and made part of the record.

Herein are examples of some relevant information :

-Social security officials idle in tribunal's early months as backlog grew

-Was government really blindsided by disability benefits backlog? http://cinsurancenews.blogspot.ca/2015/01/was-government-really-blindsided-by.html

-Kenney: Social security backlog ‘unacceptable’

-Fraud against insurance claimants - business-as-usual

-Baloney Meter: social security tribunal

-Wait Stretches years due to tribunal backlog

-Question Period: Shameful Social Security Tribunal Backlog: https://youtu.be/E9uUP294qaA

-Question Period: Social Security Tribunal:

-Question Period: Social Security Tribunal:

-Social Security Tribunal members earned $100 000 a year to sit https://youtu.be/uznIpeWQXSs

Please address the following CPP Disability Appeal
issues that remain outstanding

1-Ontario will introduce legislation to tackle privacy violations of health records http://www.thestar.com/news/queenspark/2015/03/30/ontario-will-introduce-legislation-to-tackle-privacy-violations-of-health-records.html my issues regarding health records are the following:

(a)-My Medical file that was left on a bench in front of our house on December 3, 2014. http://t.co/lEyFQ9zJyr .

(b)- Anonymous access to my medical records have been downloaded
HCAI Security Breach:

Phillis Brodie RN Service Canada said she would decide where she was going to get medical information from and let me know by letter. She never did. She wrote down my lawyers name, address, fax number, phone number, so she could.
Where did Phillis Brodie of Service Canada get my medical records from?
See: audio recordings Phillis Brodie RN Service Canada

2- Please respond to the Social Security Tribunal Unreasonable Conduct described in my fax submission to you on January 22, 2015 and Service Canada Intent to Deceive, Bad Faith Administering my Claim, and Service Canada being Caught in Lie.
See attached: January 22, 2015 Fax Submission to Ms Brazeau -Social Security Tribunal Chairperson.

3- Social security officials idle in the tribunal's early months as backlog grew

4- Again, please acknowledgement that I did not write the posting: Ottawa’s unjust approach to disability insurance by Jackie Esmonde , Marie Chen published September 12, 2014. GD15-3

5-Please acknowledge I do not “make software” or “build computers” as Service Canada has said in there submission to the Social Security Tribunal.

6-Please fix the error in my file that I administrate the Fair Association site at http://www.fairassociation.ca/ GD5-3

7-Because the Social Security Tribunal Backlog has stretched on for years and Service Canada s routine denials of benefits it is reasonable that there will be an earning freeze on my claim. I also request an adjustment to my starting date to my first application for Disability benefits in 2008 -when I first applied one year after I was disabled by a fatal automobile crash.

I submit that Service Canada never did a full investigation with my 1st application.


7-Again, I kindly request a pre hearing.

8-And yet again, I still would like an answer to my question of how Service Canada can write “we know you cant work” and still continue to deny me access to Disability benefits?

9- I AM USING THE SAME EMAIL. WE HAVE NOT MOVED. PLEASE DO NOT SAY THAT WE HAVE. If we do I will of course notify you. Is this how you will get rid of the 15,000 appeals by “proceeding in your absence” decisions?
See email Jonathan Lylyk- Case Management Officer Social Security Tribunal.

Again, I kindly request that you include ALL my submissions for my appeal. Since you have decided not to allow my email submissions I will begin sending them by fax when I am able. That will include all the years of contents from my blogs.

Because you may not respond again I will be sending this to all the Members of the Social Security Tribunal, that have not quit, in hopes that someone with intelligence will respond.

Chelsea Murielle Brazeau I remind you that my employers and I have paid into the Canadian Pension Plan since 1979. That's how you get a $233,900 salary. I deserve better than to be treated unfairly, delayed, denied, and lied to. We had enough of that behaviour from Service Canada, the Insurance companies, and our backlogged justice system for the rich.

This is abuse-of-process. I paid many years into our society for the privilege of not being ignored. Please give my claim the attention it deserves. It is reasonable that I request full and fair disclosure of my relevant documents by the Social Security Tribunal of Canada. It is clear that there is an ongoing duty and obligation to adjust my file. I also recommend that you ameliorate this situation for those of us that are most vulnerable and at risk in our society.

For almost 8 years this is all that I do, I am consumed by this one sided process.
Someone should do the right thing and fix this mess.

Looking forward to hearing from you, and everyone that gets a copy of this correspondence in this regard. My application for CPP Disability was first submitted in 2008. I told you the longer this takes the louder I will be.

Cc: undisclosed at this time

Please note:

This letter has taken a long time for me to write given my headaches and mixing up letters of the alphabet. I want to say thank you to all the people that help me edit my letters and blog postings. Thank you. If it were not for you, my letters would not be so coherent and family friendly.

The attachment:

DELAY DENY wait for them to DIE at the SST